Uncle Brian was there too! Grammy had the house all decked out, yes, boughs of holly! We really enjoyed the feeling of home. At our house the floors were still being finished! We managed to stick a wreath on the front door before we left for the big road trip to Idaho!
Christmas Morning! Our tradition is to read the Bible's story of the Christ child to be born and then in the morning to read the ancient Americans view in the Book of Mormon. Then we go into the living room together to open presents.
Alivia is still hiding under the blanket!
Another cool thing we do is let the children take turns being the "elf". This year Alivia was it so, Taylor will be it next year. This lucky person gets to be in charge of getting out the presents and handing them out and making sure that there is a good equal distribution of gifts.
The children give each other gifts and that is Greg's and my favorite part to see each of the children be proud and trying to please each other.
The question that often comes up,"what to get a person that has everything?!" Nuts of course! Jonathan was excited to give them to Papa.
Taylor got his supped up nerf gun.
I'm working on growing up. Maybe some day I'll be like Greg content and enjoying the journey no matter what. I figured out that if I really try to give more and celebrate Christ being the ultimate gift then it lessens the desire to want to have a ton of cool toys! When we went bell ringing for the Salvation Army for 2 freezing hours singing our hearts out in front of Sam's Club, that kicked off our thrill for the season. It was so touching to see perfect strangers react to our service and joyful hearts as a family by stuffing the bucket full with tons of money for those in need.
Also before we left Minnesota, we enjoyed our tradition to go caroling. We love to think of who may need a little "pick me up" and we get to express ourselves in an old fashion way of celebration to sing and give treats to our friends. We get on a roll and want to visit everyone that we know!